New Homes
There has been many, many new gingerbread constructions on our block of late. First, Wyatt and his Mom constructed a sturdy IKEA model. This was Liz's first time making cement frosting and the results were pleasing. For Wyatt, it was all about the candy. Not suprisingly, as the days wore on, more and more of that candy just accidentally fell off the house and into his mouth!
Two nights ago Liz, Erin, Leah, and Kathy-the-gingerbread-maven created their own homes at Erin's. Kathy (Garret's mom) is a baker by trade, and whoa, can she ever make a gingerbread house. She supplied the raw materials, and with pounds and pounds of candy, we made a new neighborhood. Liz especially liked the "ski chalet" that Kathy constructed for absent Kristy (who was packing for Hawaii, poor thing), and the colorful roof of Leah's cabin (Liz wanted to make it into jewelry...edible jewelry), and Erins fanciful church (with roof caving in...incidently, Erin is one of the most optimistic people in our lives. She appreciates her vertically-challenged roof as whimsical). Liz's church was almost doomed to implosion, but Kathy helped prop up the inside with a plastic container (not the can of Budweiser Liz had first tried out). Anyways, how lucky our family is (for Liz especially) to have this super cool group of gals to get creative and unwind with.
And finally, this morning, Liz and Wyatt took the remnant frosting and candy and constructed the BEST HOUSE OF ALL out of graham crackers and a box. Behold its artistry! Seriously, Liz likes this last house best of all!
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