Saturday, June 07, 2008

Winter and Spring

Here's a little bit of what we have been up to this past winter and spring.

December brought snow to our backyard, which Wyatt reveled in.

We spent Christmas visiting with the Reed and Buerer families. Here Jubilee models her Christmas dress (why YES, mom did make it!)

Wyatt has learned to draw figurative objects. Here he pledges allegience to his "ghost guy."
Jubilee, on the other hand, has learned to both brush her teeth AND paint the white carpet with big brother's "washable" orange paint, while mom thought she was getting a moment of solitude in the kitchen. She did this twice in one week.
More snow came in January, February, and even April. It has been a strange winter up here in the Pacific NW. Here's a view from our bedroom window.
Evidence that Jubilee loves snow...

...but hates sled rides.
We celebrated Easter at home with some egg dying and an indoor egg hunt, then headed to Yakima the next weekend for more egg hunting, or "egg-u" hunting as Jubilee would say.
Our circa 1992 fridge and oven met their demise in March, and were replaced by slicker versions. Here Jubilee and Wyatt enjoy copious amounts of cocoa and whipped cream by the glow of our new appliances.
This spring also brought one of the largest and most unexciting purchases in our family's history...a new roof. While we did not photo-document the process, it was a big and loud part of our lives for about 2 weeks.

But mostly our days and evenings were filled with a lot of moments like these:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is adorable. We miss you guys.
The Fam in California

12:41 PM  

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