Saturday, February 28, 2009

Chumpy Bunzies

Jubilee is regressing back to infancy in her quest to never wear clothes of any kind ever. What I thought would be a fleeting two-year old phase has ended up with a knock-down drag out temper tantrum anytime I ask her to dress in anything more than a satin princess costume skirt. And if I tell her that we MUST wear clothes to leave the house, she insists that we just never leave the house again. Her complaint is that clothes are too tight, even if I am trying to dress her in her brother's size 5 shirts, and the other morning she made the ridiculous claim that it's not just her shirts and pants that are too tight, it's her SKIN that is too tight also. "My knuckles, my knuckles! They're too tight!, " she was screaming at me, as I stood there laughing and repeating, "Sorry honey, mommy can't fix that."

The fact that Jubilee is so comfortable going au natural is starting to work its way into her made-up songs, which she sings everyday. Usually her song of choice is "I LOVE MOMMY (or Daddy, or Wyatt, or Addie...insert of object of affection here) EVERYDAY." Caleb's favorite is Jubilee's song "I hate the sun everyday." But the other day her songs started taking a strange turn into "My Chumpy Bunzies" and at dinner time last night "Take it off, take it off! Beep! Beep! Beep!" Caleb and I quizzically looked at each other and wondered when our daughter had been secretly listening to Fergie and visiting strip clubs.

So in an effort to restore modesty to our home, Jubilee is being forced against her will into clothes every morning. If you want to enjoy peace and quiet, DO NOT come to my house at 8am in the morning.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ya gotta get the "frances" books on tape, by Russell Hoban. Frances is a Badger and therefor always nude, but she puts all of her gripes to song. Megan in particular loved these books.

5:28 PM  
Anonymous B'boo said...

There once was a little girl named "E." who, besides her birthday suit, wore ONLY LION KING PANTS. One week she lived in them day&night and went to preshool that way too....Today she is apparently normal as she's beautiful, wears dresses and has good laundry habits...

11:15 AM  

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